Zion United Church of Christ
Zion United Church of Christ provides a traditional, family-based worship of God, and strives to inspire in all persons a love for Christ, a passion for righteousness, and a consciousness of their duties to God and their fellow human beings.
Sunday Morning Worship Services begin at 9:00 AM
Rev. Dr. Jennifer Little, Pastor
701 N CR 250 E – Arthur, IL 61911
Phone (217) 578-2203
155 Years
Our beloved Zion has reached the 155th Anniversary milestone. Many congregations begin admirably in faith and hope, but never survive 155 years. It is a wonderful thing to have great dreams, but it is a far more fulfilling experience to make those dreams come true.
The founding members of this congregation had their dreams 155 years ago for Zion, but they have not been able to be at the helm all these years. The baton or torch had to be passed on to the following generations, including the present members, who have kept those dreams alive and have made this day possible.
For any congregation to reach its 155th year, two things are evident: 1) God has blessed that congregation with His Spirit and Love and 2) the members and friends have been faithful in their witness and support to keep it alive. For the first part, let us give thanks to God for all His blessings. For the second part, let us honor those many individuals who have kept Zion an instrument of the Lord these many years.
Zion has aspired in the past to be a Christian witness to its community and to be of Christian service throughout the world. It has provided a place for worship and, hopefully, has served to prepare its members to leave the House of Worship and go out into the work-a-day world with their feet solidly on the ground and their sights firmly focused on God.
Having reached the 155th Anniversary of its founding, this congregation pauses to give thanks to God, and then looks forward to the years ahead. May God bless and keep Zion United Church of Christ.